If you drive without any form of insurance, and you are found to be liable for cost of an accident, it could ruin you financially. Most car accidents (or more aptly called Car Crashes) run into the tens of thousands of Rands, and that’s just for a simple fender bender. The average cost of an accident for 2016 is currently R170,000 – where someone is injured it’s R420,000 or worse, killed, the costs can run up to R5,400,000. Yes, that’s almost Five and Half Million Rand!
With the simplest form of insurance – Third Party Insurance Cover – you will be covered against picking up the bill for any damage, injury or loss of life incurred. And for the low cost, you really shouldn’t risk driving without it.
Please see below a full PDF report from the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) for the actual costs of a car crash in South Africa.
Don’t take a chance, even if your car is cheap! Make sure that you at least have Third Party Insurance.